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Over 40s makeup lesson in Surrey

Images courtesy of Jo at

Over 40s personal makeup lesson

P.S . A lot of us were contouring in the 90s and didn't realise it! Remember all that brown makeup?!

  • Stuck in a rut with your makeup?

  • Your makeup doesn't look right anymore, so you you end up taking it all off ?

  • You look younger without make-up now and don't know why?

  • Want to try to some new techniques but don't know where to start ?

  • Don't want to waste money on expensive products you are not familiar with that might not be right for you?

  • Feel completely intimidated by staff at make-up counters,

        so avoid like the plague? ( Anyway the lighting is so bad, right?)

  • Hate youtube tutorials?

  • Your teenage daughter's makeup bag looks better than yours?


  • Bombarded and overwhelmed with all the new brands out there?

The above are common statements made by women particularly when we ... ahem... reach a certain age. I was thinking out loud to my friends about three years ago and realised the demand for lessons as women reach their middle years. Quite often women have been wearing the same makeup for ten even twenty plus years and knows it doesn't look right anymore but just don't have the confidence/know how to change it up so have given up wearing any. The ever changing world of make-up, new brands, constant stream of youtube videos and weird trends in applications: contouring, strobing, illuminating, highlighting (the last three are very similar but different!)  eyebrow  and lip definition can  be very confusing; you may feel like you should be doing one or all of these. I myself  must have changed my base at least 5 times over the last ten years and even as a makeup artist find it confusing and daunting so want to share my knowledge with everyday women.

If the above sounds like you, I'd love to help. Trust me, all you need is a point in the right direction and you'll be amazed at the results.There are are a few options for you:

 1-1 lesson (approximately two hours) - £95

Bring a friend

(two people at the same time) - £75 each

(three people at the same time)   -£70 each

(four people at the same time) - £60 each

Workshops (5-8) people - £50 per person

"These are great and can definitely recommend Victoria. I've already done a workshop. Changed my style and made me feel more confident" - Catherine Banks

For more testimonials click HERE

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